Easiest way to change layout on screen

We have a diplay on our reception desk and want to give the receptioinist access to change the layout on the screen when she is away from her desk for longer than a few minutes.
The receptionist is not the best technically so I want to know the easiest\quickest way for her to change the layout

Hope that makes sense.

You can schedule an event (as always), the receptionist should only change the scheduled layout.
*It’s very likely that she may need to restart the player for the changes to take effect immediately.

Best way I have found is to schedule the layout from the layout window.

I had forgotten that way. Surely that is the best way to do it

As you say using the ‘Schedule Now’ button for the Layout you wish to schedule would probably be the best way for your use case. Your receptionist can then enter the hours/minutes this Layout needs to be shown on a selected Display.

Take a look at setting a Priority for this Layout to ensure that it was the only Layout to be shown (if you have others in your Schedule).

Hi Natasha, that is xactly how I am doing it and it is working well

Thank you

That’s great to hear :+1: