We are using CMS v1.8.2 and Androind v1.8.0 … It tooks me a while to get XMR working and I can change Layouts instatly. But change in Dataset goes other way. I have to change layout to other and go back to dataset layout to see change.
Dataset duration 1s
Dataset Update interval 1min
Do you know what to do to get instant change from datasets without restarting layout?
Datasets only refresh when they start being shown.
So when your layout reloads, your updated dataset view should be shown. Indeed in some cases it can take two reloads of the layout before it will be shown.
You say your dataset view has a 1 second duration? Does that mean your layout is restarting every 1 second? Or have you got something else on the layout extending its duration?
You definitely can’t get an instant change to dataset data as you can for a layout I’m afraid.
OK, can you recomend any timing of Update and Duration to have sure update without often blinking of images? I have 400s long video in background…
Another question is about using images in dataset. I need to Assign them thrue Assign files to Display group to be shown on Android players. And I read in manual, they will be deleted from cache after 30 days. Is there any way to keep them cached forever?
I found I have to use Assign file see images in dataset on Android Player . On Windows player or in preview it can show .png images stored in datasets, but not on Android . There have to be assigned to Display or Display group. If there isn’t assigment I see only small ‘image missing mark’ there.
OK, I’ve tried to Unasign files from players and it is working now. But I remember it wasn’t working before and I was restarting layout several times and waiting for more then hour. Only assign files helped me. I hope that we will not have thease missing dataset images problem. It have to be supersure.
You can assign your images manually if you want to do that - they will never be deleted as long as they are still assigned (they will be deleted after 30 days only if you remove the assignment). This is not the best way to do it because they will never be removed - but if that is what you need, then that is OK.
However, as Alex has said it is not necessary to do that, but there may be timing issues.
If you make a change to your DataSet, the Display will be marked as “status !”, meaning there are changes waiting for it to check. When the Player runs its collection, it will load the new DataSet resource and assign the images to the Layout/Display accordingly. It will leave the status as ! because those images will have to be downloaded at the next collection.
When the next collection happens, those images will be download and they will get shown the next time that Widget is shown.
You could also mark all of those regions as “loop?” so that when the Widget finishes it restarts from the beginning.
Thank you Dan for explanation… I see cloud icon, no ! mark, but I think I understand.
But sorry, Alex, second reload doesn’t help, it’s still same, no images from Dataset until they aren’t assigned to Display group or Display.
So I have to change project from Dataset to normal Images and learn client how to work with Layout Designer a change there images. Not so simple, I hope they will understad.