The latest comments from project management on Linux/Raspberry Pi (not being a suitable client platform) seem to be about 15 months out of date, and predate the Pi 3.
Any late words on this topic?
It’s my understanding there’s a fair amount more horsepower and acceleration on the model 3…
(That I have 3 of them out, and cannot get Concerto to run to save my life has nothing at all to do with this query. :-))
We have always said that RPi is not suitable - we invested significant time trying to get it to work and it just didn’t. You are usually far better off with something specifically designed for the use-case.
That being said, we are working on an Ubuntu Player - so assuming you can get Ubuntu running on the RPi3 you could certainly try it out when its available.
For which there’s no current timeline, in consequence of which I have to eliminate Xibo from consideration, whether I’m willing to put in eval and coding labor not, then; do I understand it correctly?
Does there exist Linux client code compatible with 1.8?
Yes you understand correctly - it is being actively worked on and adding additional code labour on top won’t make it happen faster. Once there is something out there as a base, then additional help would be most appreciated, whether with testing or with code.
“There does not now exist linux code which will run against 1.8; whatever code does exist can’t be tried on the Pi3 cause it won’t talk to 1.8”, that was the question I was after. Sounds like that’s no.
You’re certainly not responsible for my timeline, no.
Correct - the old Player doesn’t run against 1.8 (it only runs against 1.6), and the new Player will run on 1.8, but doesn’t actually run at all yet, because it isn’t finished
When it’s ready, it could (in theory) be run on a RPi3 with Ubuntu installed.
That said, it might be productive for me to try 1.6, but that returns me to the question:
Has anyone tested the 1.6 compatible Linux player on a Pi3, which I guess is really the question I was trying to get to in the first place – sorry; it’s been an awfully long week.
[ looks ]
Except that there doesn’t seem to be a way to download the older versions.
I just saw the posting about the first-cut on this elsewhere.
I’ve just updated the relevant server to be capable of dealing with Docker, so I’ll probably get 1.8 running on it this week, after which I’ll see how the TP compiles on a Pi3.
If anything comes of it, I’ll let you know.
The posting doesn’t actually say, but I’m assuming this is all 1.8 stuff?