[CMS 1.7.3] - schedule form date and time problem


i have a problem with date and time editing in schedule page.

I am selecting : 08/04/2015 02:00 as a start time for a schedule.
I validate. Then i come back to edit the date and i have an inconsistent date/time display (see below) :

When i try to edit the date/time the date goes back to 1899 !

I am using Chrome 41.0.2272.118 (64-bit) under OSX 10.9


if you’ve made an update to 1.7.3, then please empty cache

Can you try turning off “Show international dates?” in the CMS options please.

i upgraded from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3

Cache is empty

“Show international dates?” is already off

Problem still there.

By the way, i just noticed “date format” shows : d-m-Y:i
Is this normal ?
I have never modified it so i think it is default.

with me after fresh installation 1.7.3: Y-m-d H:i

Yes, that solved my problem.
Thanks a lot.

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I think d-m-Y h:i probably would have worked if you did want to change the format.

this is what i did.
thanks again.

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