Clock, embedded regions don't show on Windows XP player

TLDR: The embeddable widget from isn’t compatible with IE8, which makes it incompatible with Windows XP machines running Xibo Player.

Hi folks,

I’m just getting started with Xibo. I’m working on my first layout, and while the DataSet region looks good, I’m having trouble with both the Clock widget and the Embedded widget. (I’ll paste my layout.xml below, in case that helps.) The Clock widget looks fine in Layout Design, but doesn’t display on the Windows player. And the Embedded widget, while not showing content in Layout Design, displays incompletely on the Player. It should be displaying this, but shows only the top part of the content.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

I’m running 1.7.3 on Windows Server 2012 R2, IIS8, MySQL Community Edition 5.6, PHP 5.3.28, using a Windows XP Professional x64 display.

Here are images of Layout Design and how it looks on the Windows player.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout width="1920" height="1080" resolutionid="9" bgcolor="#ffffff" schemaVersion="2" background="16.jpg">
  <region id="17180552fe6358d631" userId="4" width="511.2" height="364.8" top="546.975" left="1339.6875">
    <media id="f1a3f4f75dd2cde6213e722398f7dfe6" type="datasetview" render="native" duration="10" lkid="" userId="4" schemaVersion="1">
                            <raw><styleSheet><![CDATA[table.DataSetTable {
  font-size: 42px;
  font-family: Georgia;
  background: #daecfa;

tr.HeaderRow {


tr#row_1 {


td#column_1 {


td.DataSetColumn {
    padding-left: 5px;
    padding-right: 5px;

tr.DataSetRow {


tr.DataSetRowOdd {


tr.DataSetRowEven {


th.DataSetColumnHeaderCell {


span#1_1 {


span.DataSetColumnSpan {

  <region id="19719552fe8350fcab" userId="4" width="480" height="228" top="69.749999999999" left="1355.4375" name="Time and Date">
    <media id="4b510fd7362a37b2389f506586952b2b" type="text" render="native" duration="60" lkid="" userId="4" schemaVersion="1">
                            <options><xmds>1</xmds><effect>none</effect><speed>0</speed><backgroundColor/><name>Time and Date</name></options>
                            <raw><text><![CDATA[<p style="color: #000000; text-align: center; font-family:georgia,serif;"><span style="font-size:96px;">[Clock|h:mm a]</span><br />
<span style="font-size:48px;">[Clock|dddd]<br />
[Clock|MMMM Do]</span></p>
<region id="8653552fff34056c7" userId="4" width="1783.2" height="74.399999999999" top="971.09999999999" left="71.999999999999" name="News Ticker"><media id="c22d2a1c6a25898b72c38048b55340cf" type="ticker" render="native" duration="10" lkid="" userId="4" schemaVersion="1">
                            <options><xmds>1</xmds><sourceId>1</sourceId><uri></uri><datasetid>0</datasetid><updateInterval>120</updateInterval><speed>2</speed><overrideTemplate>1</overrideTemplate><name>Google News: Ouachita Parish</name><effect>none</effect><copyright/><numItems>10</numItems><takeItemsFrom>start</takeItemsFrom><durationIsPerItem>1</durationIsPerItem><itemsSideBySide>1</itemsSideBySide><upperLimit>0</upperLimit><lowerLimit>0</lowerLimit><filter/><ordering/><itemsPerPage>0</itemsPerPage><dateFormat/><allowedAttributes/><stripTags/><backgroundColor/><disableDateSort>0</disableDateSort><textDirection>ltr</textDirection><templateId>title-only</templateId></options>
                            <raw><template><![CDATA[<p style="font-family:georgia,serif;"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif;"><span style="font-size:56px;"><span style="color: #251305;"><span style="font-size:36px;">[Title]</span></span></span></span></p>
                    </media><options><transOut/><transOutDuration>0</transOutDuration><transOutDirection/><loop>0</loop></options></region><region id="125635530324c28d34" userId="4" width="1140" height="245" top="67" left="98" name="Weather Bar"><media id="39e561360a558d74cb466dbfb46b8631" type="embedded" render="native" duration="10" lkid="" userId="4" schemaVersion="1">
                            <raw><embedHtml><![CDATA[<iframe id="forecast_embed" type="text/html" frameborder="0" height="245" width="100%" src="" scrolling="no"> </iframe>]]></embedHtml><embedScript><![CDATA[]]></embedScript><embedStyle><![CDATA[]]></embedStyle></raw>

And by the way, I’ve applied this patch in case it might help, although I’m not behind a proxy (as far as I know).

…and I stopped IIS8 and started it again, to make the change take effect.

Can you visit the Modules page in the CMS, and click Verify All. Then allow the Player time to download any missing files and then restart the Player please.

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I had issues with the forecast too. I used embed feature to embed’s code and adjested the width and height to the size of my region. Works like a charm.

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@alex, thank you. Modules > Verify All solved the Clock issue.

@srpklc, thank you. Could you possibly tell me the size of the region you’re using and paste the embed code you’re using? I’d like to try to replicate your success and then change things one at a time until I break it. :wink:

This may be of some help:

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Well, I think I figured it out. If I go to How Dark Sky users can use the Apple Weather app - Apple Support in Chrome on my Windows XP machine running the Xibo player, it looks fine, but if I look at it in IE8 on that machine, I see the problem happening there. IE8 offers the following warnings:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Timestamp: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 18:29:40 UTC

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 1
Char: 100728
Code: 0

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 1
Char: 101450
Code: 0

So it’s happening in Xibo Player because it’s happening in IE. It’s not Xibo’s fault. Thanks!

IE8 is ancient now. If you were using a newer version of Windows you could tell Xibo to use a newer version of Internet Explorer which probably wouldn’t have that issue.

That’s why the official integrations really are the best option as we do our best to support legacy stuff like Windows XP

I entered the exact longititude and latitude myself and changed the height and width.
Then I used embed feature on my timeline.

<iframe id="forecast_embed" type="text/html" frameborder="0" height="245" width="450" src=""> </iframe>
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