Can't Publish Layout, CMS V2.0.3

When I try to publish layout, I get the following message:

You already own a Playlist called ‘’. Please choose another name.

Tried renaming layout, changing owner permissions, other layouts can be checked out without a problem.

Running CMS Version 2.0.3

More info about this issue.

-Only happens on layouts that have a duration of 4 hours or more

The work around is to export the layout and import it back.

Can someone break down how the check out process works? For example, I’m not sure where this playlist name is coming from. What should I be looking into?

Just wanted to add that I’m experiencing this issue also when attempting to check out a layout. I don’t know if it is related, but I’d recently created my first playlist in the system via the new Playlists functionality. I don’t know if this has contributed in some way? I’m not having any success exporting the layout either (just times out when selecting Export), so may have to recreate it from scratch. Epic sad face.

Our issue was solved when we upgraded to 2.0.4