Can't install Xibo 1.8.0 alpha


I have a problem with installing the Xibo 1.8.0 alpha release.

Fedora 22
Apache 2.4
PHP 5.6

I’ve downloaded the tar.gz archive from Github and extract it in my DocumentRoot ( /var/www/html/ ).

I’ve created a new folder and copied all files in it. All files are now in the directory /var/www/html/xibo and my DocumentRoot is set to /var/www/html/xibo/web

When navigating to localhost in my Firefox browser, I get the normal “Welcome to Xibo Installation” site, where are requirements are met ( I’m now on “localhost/install” )

After clicking on “next” I get the following error message:

I’ve followed the instruction on to change the DocumentRoot. I don’t use an Alias or have made changes to the URL Rewriting.

The xibo directory is owned by the Apache user.

I’ve disabled SELinux for this session.

The only thing I’ve changed so far in my php.ini is “date.timezone”. There wasn’t a default value set. Without that value, navigating to “localhost” has shown an error with a date function. But the error was gone after setting a value.

Any hint how I can tackle this problem?


The message looks like its coming from apache rather than Xibo - which points to a problem with mod_rewrite. Do you have mod_rewrite enabled? Does your apache install allow .htaccess files?