Buy license for 1.7?


I have a customer still running 1.7.9, they don’t plan to upgrade to 1.8, but they need an additional screen with Android client. If I buy a new Android license, that will be 1.8 by default, can I use it with 1.7 instead for this instance?


Yes you can, if you’ll try to licence 1.7R64 apk against this licence pool (1.8) it will automatically convert the one 1.8 licence to one 1.7 licence + upgrade available (if, in the future you’d want to upgrade it to 1.8).

Cool, thanks. But I’ll have to use offline licensing module too.

And another question: what if I use an 1.8 Android apk (say R101) against the 1.7.9 CMS? Will it work?

It will, but we recommend use of CMS and players in the same series.

Regarding offline licencing, I believe you have the on-premise licencing enabled on your licence pools (in all series), if you’d have any issues with that, please email us directly or open the support ticket and we will help you out.