API difference between documentation and return value


i try to implement kind of a gateway to autoamtically transfer datasets from different sources into XIBO.
Therefore i use the REST api in 1.8.2.

The method /api/dataset

should return the following data if i follow the swagger documentation:

Respsonse: [
"dataSetId": 0,
"dataSet": "string",
"description": "string",
"userId": 0,
"lastDataEdit": 0,
"owner": "string",
"groupsWithPermissions": "string",
"code": "string",
"isLookup": 0

but it returns one more parameter columns. additionally this parameter is always empty:

Response: [
    "dataSetId": 1,
    "dataSet": "Birthdays",
    "description": "This is the list of upcoming birhtdays",
    "userId": 1,
    "lastDataEdit": "1502354968",
    "owner": "admin",
    "groupsWithPermissions": "tiger",
    "code": "birthdaylist",
    "isLookup": "0",
    "columns": []

What is columns used for and is it an error that there is no value returned?
The dataset has valid columns and data stored.



To get the columns you’d need to call GET /api/dataset/{dataSetId}/column

I don’t think the example values in documentation contain such parameters, GET layout is a good example, you don’t have regions[] listed there, but it will return it.
You can then add ?embed=regions to your get layout call and it will show the regions array in response.
The above does not work for columns[] in get dataset call though because the embed parameter is not added there yet.

Or rather wasn’t as I’ve just added it, new release (1.8.3) will allow you to call get datasets with ?embed=columns parameter which will then show columns array in the response.

example response with embed parameter: