API call /user Trouble

Hi, i use the api GET /user about with postman

ex: {{url}}/api/user?envelope=1&userName=test

but i have no returns a “groups, layouts or media”!!

it there a bug or i need a parameter more?

“grid”: true,
“success”: true,
“status”: 200,
“message”: null,
“id”: null,
“data”: {
“draw”: 0,
“recordsTotal”: 1,
“recordsFiltered”: 1,
“data”: [
“userId”: 2,
“userName”: “test”,
“userTypeId”: 3,
“loggedIn”: 0,
“email”: null,
“homePageId”: 1,
“lastAccessed”: “2019-02-04 11:46:00”,
“newUserWizard”: “1”,
“retired”: “0”,
“groupId”: 5,
“group”: “test”,
“libraryQuota”: 0,
“firstName”: “firsttest”,
“lastName”: “lasttest”,
“phone”: null,
“ref1”: null,
“ref2”: null,
“ref3”: null,
“ref4”: null,
“ref5”: null,
“groups”: [],
“campaigns”: [],
“layouts”: [],
“media”: [],
“events”: [],
“homePage”: “Dashboard”,
“isSystemNotification”: “0”,
“isDisplayNotification”: “0”,
“libraryQuotaFormatted”: 0