Announcing Xibo v4

Simple, Intuitive, Impactful and Secure, Xibo v4 is here!

For more than nineteen years, we have been enhancing our solutions based on the needs of our users and customers. We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest version, Xibo v4.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great News!

We would like to see linux player version also sooner.


Congratulations to the entire Xibo team who worked hard for the release of this version! I’m sure this version and the upcoming ones will take Xibo to another level :clap::clap::clap:


Hello everyone,
Well done to all the developers.
This is a major update for the XIBO ecosystem and our working habits, both for myself and for others who have worked on previous versions. The abandonment of timelines and regions is quite disturbing, but let’s move on and improve this great project again and again with this V4. Back to work

Hi Fred, we have created a new category Inside Xibo on our Community page which aims to give more of an insight into how decisions have been made and how things work. We have a post Layout Editor Evolution in v4 which gives further explanation for such key decisions. We welcome further discussion on this post so please do start a conversation :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity, when will the newest version be pushed out to the cloud hosted instances? Will there be any warning provided before that happens?

We don’t ever automatically push our major releases, so you have to elect to upgrade. You can find out how here: Installations and Upgrades | Xibo Digital Signage

If you have automatic upgrades enabled on your instance, we do upgrade minor releases. So when a 4.1 comes out we would upgrade your 4.0.x to 4.1.0. This can also be disabled.

The only updates that are mandatory and pushed on release day are patches, so 4.0.1 when available would be automatically applied.