Hi all,
I am using a ticker to show a slide with future matches. Via RSS I get the upcoming 10 matches.
How do I format the ticker so it says first: “Upcoming matches” and then the RSS feed?
Thanks for your reply.
Hi all,
I am using a ticker to show a slide with future matches. Via RSS I get the upcoming 10 matches.
How do I format the ticker so it says first: “Upcoming matches” and then the RSS feed?
Thanks for your reply.
You can just add this text at the begging of your ticker (edit ticker -> appearance tab -> override template checkbox)
Upcoming Matches:
or if you are using image overlaid
Upcoming Matches:
You get the idea, each item from feed will start with “Upcoming matches:” and then title or image or whatever you have there.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your quick reply.
I already discovered the option you mentioned, but since the ticker output is showed on one ‘slide’ in my situation, I then end up with as many times ‘upcoming matches’ as there are items in my feed.
So my question is: is is also possible to have ‘upcoming matches’ only one time visible, just on top/in the beginning and then al the feed-output?
hm yeah I know what you mean.
If you want to show all items from the feed, then perhaps just add 'Upcoming matches" in new region in text module and place it above the region with ticker?
It would serve as a header for the region with rss feed.
Because when this text is in the ticker then yeah it will be displayed with every item from your feed.
If you’d want to show only 1 item then you could select an effect, that by default will go through items in your feed one by one (in this case duration per item could be a good idea too).
Peter, thanks for your reply.
I have another question, now about the content/behaviour of a feed.
In my display I want to use this feed: http://www.volleybal.nl/application/handlers/export.php?format=rss&type=vereniging&uitslagen=7150&iRegionId=7000
As you can see, it contains ‘title’ and ‘description’, both with the team of our club (vc limac). That teamname includes an ‘&’. If I use a ticker with only [Description], the ‘& amp;’ is correctly shown as just the ‘&’. But when I use [Title], it shows ‘& amp;’ in the feed. With my little knowledge about RSS, the content of the feed (xml view in chrome) looks the same to me for [Title] and [Descriptoin]. So, maybe, might the different behaviour of ‘&’ in [Title] and [Description] be a Xibo-issue…?
(For readability I used ‘& amp;’, since this forum changes ‘& amp;’ with no space automatically to just ‘&’)
Yeah I know what you mean, we’re able to recreate this problem in our environment.
It seems like a Xibo thingy at the moment, not sure exactly why
We will investigate it and let you know as soon as possible.
Hi Roel,
So it seems that there is some kind of bug with '&'
in title tag, we logged it here (gitHub is also changing it to &, but don’t worry about it):
Now for a workaround:
If you go here https://validator.w3.org/feed/ and try to validate your feed, you will see that it’s valid but
"This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
line 15, column 9: title should not contain HTML: & (10 occurrences)"
Now after you click help, you can see some suggestions, namely:
Encoding of the characters "&" are especially problematic in places like RSS 2.0 titles. For the widest interop, the RSS Profile recommends the use of the hexadecimal character reference "&" to represent "&".
so if you could change "&"
in your feed (in title tags) to "&"
it should be fine, please do let us know.
Hi Peter,
Thanks a lot for your work on this issue.
My “problem” is that I am not the owner of the feed, that is the national volleyball association. And they have a third party for development of the website and also the RSS feed. So I’ll pass on your information to them; I hope they will get into it soon…
And one more time: really thanks a lot for your work and quick reply!
Roel i think this can help you.:
https://community.xibo.org.uk/t/rss-feed-into-table/3640/10?source_topic_id=3530Kind regards.
Thanks eikos,
but: when I click your link, it says: sorry, you don’t have access to that topic…
ok… this is what i posted there.
ticker php code: www.eikos.nl/ticker.module.rar
Replace the ticker module and tick the nevobo style (activation of the columns) and tick override the template (for styling the columns) and the nevobo feed is now in columns.
Wow, awesome!!
Many, many thanks; that was exactly what I was looking for…
It took some time, but I got them change it to x26…
But, unfortunately, in the RSS feed when I use the description item, the feed doesn’t display correct. Instead of the ‘amp’ text, I now get the ‘x26’ text…
Maybe something else is wrong, or… ?
I stumbled on the same issue of putting a title for a ticker, and tried to avoid the solution of a specific region (which would not have been a good solution as I have a playlist that would not fit under one title).
I put a title under a h2 tag, and then used css to only show the first one. Here’s how the css looks like :
h2 { display:none;} div#content div.item:first-child h2 { display:block; margin: 40px 0px 0px 40px; }
Sorry to use this old thread, but I think it could be useful to others.
Hey @Mikael, thanks for your answer… it works fine with 2 or more items, but, with only one item, not working, could you help me with this? (thanks and sorry my english).
Hello, sorry, I’m not working on this anymore. But it looks like a css issue with selectors. I would investigate that…