[3rd Party] Getaweb Xibo Twitter module

Hi there,

We developed a module to connect Twitter with Xibo. The module is a webbased program and you can change the source and css files. The module also works good on a website.

  • Load the program as a webpage in Xibo
  • Change the CSS files to get your own look
  • Choose how many tweets you want to see on the screen
  • Bring your Xibo screen alive

Send a email to info@getaweb.nl if you’re interested

Click here for some images: http://www.getaweb.nl/component/k2/item/186-digitaal-scherm-hunzehuys


To install this, first of all make sure that all the folder in which this file resides is in a webroot of your choosing, and that permissions are set to make it accessible from the web.

Now, for this read-only web application to function, a few bits of information will first have to be retrieved from Twitter itself. If you already have set up Consumer Keys, start at point 6.

  1. Take a web-browser and go to https://dev.twitter.com/, and click ´Manage Your Apps´, all the way down in the Tools section.
  2. Sign in using your credentials.
  3. Click the ´Create New App´ button and fill out the required parts of the form. Also be sure to check the checkbox below the Developer Agreement.
    Also note that the app name of your choosing may already be taken by another developer.
  4. Click the ´Keys and Access Tokens´ in the following screen
  5. Copy and paste the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into the appropriate fields in the config.ini.php file.
  6. Also in the config.ini.php file, enter the screen name of the twitter user whose timeline you wish to display.
  7. Set the contents of the twitter.css file to your liking. Spans for things like hashtags and mentions are automatically added to the HTML output.
  8. Enjoy. :slight_smile:

Andre Rosing

Is this free? I would be interested if it is

I’ve modified the title of your topic to make it more obvious that this is external to the Xibo Project and therefore might not be free.

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I’m not clear how this is superior to the Twitter module in Xibo itself? Looking at the screenshots you can achieve exactly the same thing with the stock integration, with the plus that they will continue to play correctly if the Player loses connection to the CMS.

Also I think the title “module” is misleading since this is just an external webpage which you can embed in Xibo. It isn’t a module in the sense of a Xibo module and hence doesn’t have the same access controls, nor is it configured via the Xibo interface.

Hello, I was looking but I don’t see a Twitter module from Xibo. Where do I find it?
And is it possible to change the layout, colors etc. for example in a css file?

1.7 series comes with Twitter by default.

Yes you can change fonts and colours in a similar way to the way you would with a Ticker. No need to know how to edit CSS.

The manual page is pretty sparse but it’s here for reference:

There’s better documentation on setting up the module in the CMS Post-Installation guide here: